My name is Nele Odeur, Scent & Spice is the name of my business and passion. Living several years in South America, together with people who use nature in all aspects of their lives - ranging from medicine to clothing and from food to rituals - I realized how far we have all strayed from all the beauty that nature has to offer.
My motivation lies in offering you a natural, sparkling lifestyle through the use of herbs, giving attention to simple happiness, fun and relaxation, sharing knowledge about sustainable use of nature. As an ethnobotanical expert I posess scientific knowledge about the use of herbs, as a herbalist I know how to apply that knowledge into your daily life, and as a storyteller I will tell you all about it in fascinating ways. Scent & Spice offers a range of activities aimed at consumers, such as courses and workshops. I am available for business-to-business activities and you can hire me as a guest lecturer, speaker, consultant, co-creator or coach.
Plants and herbs are the foundation of Scent & Spice. Besides a huge passion for herbs, I contribute with a lot of knowledge and experience. The knowledge was gained during my university studies Latin American Studies, where I took majors in medical anthropology and ethnobotany. During this training I learned how important ethnobotanical knowledge is for the survival of biotopes and cultures and how I can research, use and preserve this knowledge for posterity.
I gained practical experience through endless walks with my parents, countless activities with the Belgian Youth Association for Nature Study and Environmental Protection, ethnobotanical fieldwork in Bolivia and Brazil, a lot of experimentation in the kitchen and a training into herbalism and herbal therapy. I am happy to share that my knowledge and skills are taken seriously, which is demonstrated by the fact that Scent & Spice is hired by the Ethnobotany chair of Wageningen University in the Netherlands.
Most of this website is written in Dutch. If you have any specific questions about the contents or if you would like to discuss future activities, please feel free to contact me.